would you trust a vacccine

No thanks to the vaccine. So the same guy who called COVID-19 a hoax and suggested drinking and injecting disinfectants is now pushing the FDA to get out a vaccine right before the election. This announcement comes on the heels of his Comrade Putin announcing the Soviets have come up with a COVID-19 Vaccine. And Putin is the guy that successfully dishes up poisons to take out his political rivals. Can you imagine what these two guys can come up with? One an expert on poisonings and the other an expert on disinfectants could come up with. What a witches or warlocks brew this could be. And as long as that guy can say he got something out before the election do you think how many more of us would die. Close to 200,000 of us have already died because of his putting politics before out health. Sadly, some will take the vaccine; After all hospitals reported that some actually did drink the disinfectant after that guy advertised it.

Out of Hell, Living Well: Healing From the Inside Out

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Out of Hell, Living Well: Healing From the Inside Out
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All copies purchased here include:

-Authentic Autograph by the Author

This is my personal story behind the sound bytes, behind the smiles, and the bright lights. This is a story of what goes on in a troubled soul and a persona drained dry of all self-esteem. It is a story of hellish situations–some I was born in and some I created. The bigger picture, however, is how I not only survived, but also thrived through divine intervention and a spiritual makeover. If you ever felt like you wanted to give up on your dreams, thought that your life would never change; that you would always be rejected or abused, read my story. It will change your life. #innerhealing, #socialjustice

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