“Messiah” an original Netflix series is so mesmerizing I can’t stop watching it. A Christ-type figure begins showing up in the Middle East and also in the Bible Belt in the USA. Crowds follow him, he walks on water, and heals the sick. His actions which actually hurt no one and inspires many enrages the media, the CIA and FBI gets involved and millions quit work to follow him. Makes you wonder what would we do if someone like that showed up in our lives amid strange occurrences and people thought he was the Messiah? Would this be blasphemous, acceptable? Would you lock him up, embrace him, or scream FALSE PROPHET? Read More…

Martin Luther King Sr. Read more in the book by Dr Barbara Reynolds, "And Still We Rise" where you can read the full interview from November 24th, 1982 and Jan 16, 1984

The most simple explanation is that we have a hater-in-chief as your president. Hateful, derogatory language about black and brown people coupled with his inability to denounce the hateful alt-right violence in Charlottesville Va which extolled anti-Semitism has emboldened hate groups. America is reaping what is being sown from the top and we must do all we can to reach up while haters are trying to pull us down. Read More…